What is Neighbourhood Planning?
Our Neighbourhood Plan cannot prevent development but it can set out what type of development is appropriate and where it should be situated.
Neighbourhood Plans have a statutory status, which means that any decisions made on planning applications by Harborough District Council would need to take the Dunton Bassett Neighbourhood Plan into consideration.
Our Plan will ensure that the needs, views and priorities of our local community are fully considered when assessing future planning applications and proposed developments within our area.
Why does it matter?
Neighbourhood planning is a process designed to enable local communities to influence development and planning within the area in which they live and work.
In this context development doesn't just mean more houses, but includes planning for shops, businesses, community facilities and transport. Neighbourhood planning enables people to help shape the place in which they live.
Final Decision Statement
DB NDP Final Decision Statement to make plan (PDF, 182 Kb)
DB NDP Final Decision Statement to make plan
Dunton Bassett Neighbourhood Plan Referendum version (PDF, 8.2 Mb)
Dunton Bassett Neighbourhood Plan Referendum version
Appendix 6 Environmental__ Inventory (PDF, 556 Kb)
Appendix 6 Environmental__ Inventory
Dunton Bassett Basic Conditions Statement (PDF, 19 Kb)
Dunton Bassett Basic Conditions Statement
Harborough District Council
Dunton Bassett Neighbourhood Development Plan –
Final Decision Statement
1. Summary
1.1. Following a positive referendum result Harborough District Council is publishing its decision to 'make' Dunton Bassett Neighbourhood Development Plan part of Harborough District Councils Development Plan in accordance with Regulation 19 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012.
2. Background
2.1. Dunton Bassett Parish Council, as the qualifying body successfully applied for the Parish of Dunton Bassett to be designated as Dunton Bassett Neighbourhood Area, under the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations (2012), which came into force in April 2012. On 2 March 2018 Harborough District Council approved the designation of the entire parish as Dunton Bassett Neighbourhood Area in accordance with the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations (2012) Part 2, Regulation 5A.
2.2. Following the submission of Dunton Bassett Neighbourhood Plan Examination Version to the Council, the plan was publicised and comments were invited from the public and stakeholders. The consultation period closed on 11 May 2022.
2.3. The Council, with the agreement of the Qualifying Body, appointed an independent examiner, Mr John Slater, to review whether the changes to the Plan were significant as to change the nature of the Plan. The Examiner determined that an examination and referendum would be required. The examiner considered the changes against the Basic Conditions and considered that a public hearing was required to examine certain issues more thoroughly.
2.4. The hearing took place on 11 October 2022 in Dunton Bassett Village Hall and was an opportunity for the Examiner to receive oral evidence on a limited number of questions.
2.5. A number of invitees were asked to appear at the hearing. Invitees included:
Dunton Bassett Parish Council
Harborough District Council
Richborough Estates
Leicestershire County Council (Highways)
Historic England
Historic England declined to attend the hearing but sent a written response.
2.6. The Final Examiners report concluded that with modifications and a final determination issued by the District Council regarding the requirement for a Strategic Environmental Assessment, that the Neighbourhood Plan meets the Basic Conditions set out in the legislation and should proceed to a Neighbourhood Planning referendum.
2.7. A referendum was held on 29 June 2023 and a 'yes' vote was returned with 112 out of 136 persons that voted, voting 'to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Dunton Bassett to help it decide planning applications inthe Neighbourhood area.'
2.8. Paragraph 38A (4)(a) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 as amended, the Neighbourhood Planning (General) (Amendment) Regulations 2015 and the Neighbourhood Planning (General) and Development Management Procedure (Amendment) Regulations 2016 requires that the Council must 'make' the Neighbourhood Plan within 8 weeks if more than half of those voting have voted in favour of the plan.
2.9. The council are not subject to this duty if the making of the plan would breach, or would otherwise be incompatible with, any EU obligation or any of the Convention rights (within the meaning of the Human Rights Act 1998).
3. Decision and Reasons
3.1. With the Examiner's recommended modifications Dunton Bassett Neighbourhood Development Plan meets the basic conditions set out in paragraph 8(2) of Schedule 48 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, is compatible with EU obligations and the Convention rights and complies with relevant provision made by or under Section 38A and B of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 as amended.
3.2. The referendum held on 29 June 2023 met the requirements of the Localism Act 2011; it was held in the Parish of Dunton Bassett and posed the question:
'Do you want Harborough District Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Dunton Bassett to help it decide planning applications in the Neighbourhood area?'
3.3. The count took place on 29 June 2023 and greater than 50% of those who voted were in favour of the Plan being used to help decide planning applications in the plan area. The results of the referendum were:
Description | Votes | |
Total number of votes cast | 136 | |
Number cast in favour of a "YES" | 112 | |
Number cast in favour of a "NO" | 24 | |
The number of Ballot Papers rejected was as follows | (a) Want of Official Mark | |
(b) Voting more times than the voter was entitled to | ||
(c) Writing or mark by which the voter could be identified | ||
(d) Being unmarked or wholly void for uncertainty | ||
(e) Rejected in part | ||
Total number of Spoilt Votes | 0 | |
Electorate 588 Turnout– 23.12 % |
3.4. Harborough District Council has assessed that the Plan, including its preparation, does not breach, and would not otherwise be incompatible with, any EU obligation or any Convention rights (within the meaning of the Human Rights Act 1998).
3.5. In accordance with the Regulations and the Council's scheme of delegation Dunton Bassett Neighbourhood Development Plan is 'made' and planning applications in the Parish must be considered against Dunton Bassett Neighbourhood Development Plan, as well as existing planning policy, such as the Harborough District Local Plan and the National Planning Policy Framework and Guidance.
- 4. Where to view this Decision Notice
4.1. The decision notice may be viewed at:
Harborough District Council
The Symington Building
Adam and Eve Street
Market Harborough
LE16 7AG
Open - Mon/Tues/Thu/Fri: 8.45am - 5pm. Wed: 9.30am - 5pm
Notice of Neighbourhood Plan Referendum (PDF, 93 Kb)
Notice of Neighbourhood plan referendum polling Station
1. Summary
1.1 Following an Independent Examination, Harborough District Council now confirms that the Dunton Bassett Neighbourhood Plan will proceed to a Neighbourhood Planning Referendum
on 29 June 2023
1.2 This decision statement can be viewed at:
Harborough District Council Offices
The Symington Building,
Adam & Eve Street,
Market Harborough
LE16 7AG
Open - Mon/Tues/Thu/Fri: 8.45am - 5pm. Wed: 9.30am - 5pm
All Saints Church, Dunton Bassett, LE17 5JY
Broughton Astley Library, Main Street Broughton Astley
Lutterworth Library, George Street, Lutterworth
2. Background
2.1 On 14 February 2018 Dunton Bassett Parish Council, as the Qualifying Body, applied for the Dunton Bassett Parish to be designated as a Neighbourhood Area for the purpose of preparing a neighbourhood plan. On 2 March 2018 Harborough District Council approved the designation of the entire parish as the Dunton Bassett Neighbourhood Area.
2.2 The application was for the entire Parish of Dunton Bassett and Regulation 5A of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) and Development Management Procedure (Amendment) Regulations 2016 applies, hence a six week consultation was not required.
2.3 Dunton Bassett Parish Council as the Qualifying Body submitted the plan to the Council on 31 January 2022. A six week consultation period was held ending on 11 May 2022.
2.4 The Council, with the agreement of the Qualifying Body, appointed an independent examiner, Mr John Slater, to examine the Dunton Bassett Neighbourhood Plan.
2.5 The Examiner determined that not all the issues raised at Regulation 16 consultation could not be resolved through written representations and that a public hearing was required. The public hearing was held in Dunton Bassett village hall on 11 October 2022. Details of the public hearing can be found here.
2.3 The Examiner's Report concludes that, subject to making the modifications proposed by the Examiner, the Neighbourhood Plan meets the Basic Conditions set out in the legislation and should proceed to a Neighbourhood Planning referendum
3. Decision and Reasons
3.1 After careful consideration the Director for Planning and Regeneration has agreed that all the Examiner's recommended modifications should be accepted and that the amended Neighbourhood Plan should proceed to a referendum.
3.2 The modifications proposed by the examiner have been made to secure that the draft plan meets all the statutory requirements including the basic conditions test. Appendix A of the decision statement sets out these modifications and the action to be taken in respect of each of them.
3.3 The Examiner also confirms that the area of the Dunton Bassett Neighbourhood Plan as designated by Harborough District Council on 2nd March 2018 is the appropriate area for the referendum to be held and the area for the referendum does not need to be extended.
3.4 The District Council agrees with the Examiner's recommendation that there is no reason to extend the Neighbourhood Plan area for the purpose of holding the referendum.
3.5 The Examiner has concluded that with the specified modifications the Plan meets the basic conditions and other relevant legal requirements. The District Council concurs with this view and that the Plan complies with the provision made by or under sections 38A and 38B of the 2004 Act. Therefore, to meet the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 a referendum which poses the question
'Do you want Harborough District Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Dunton Bassett to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?'
will be held in the Parish of Dunton Bassett.
The date on which the referendum will take place is agreed as 29 June 2023
Harborough District Council | www.harborough.gov.uk |
The Symington Building | Email: customer.services@harborough.gov.uk |
Adam and Eve Street | Contact Centre: 01858 82 82 82 |
Market Harborough | Text Messages: 07860 041908 |
Leicestershire | DX 27317 Market Harborough |
LE16 7AG | Follow Us On Twitter @HarboroughDC |
Map of Council Offices |
Dunton Bassett Neighbourhood Plan - Examination
Dunton Bassett Neighbourhood Plan - Examination
Dunton Bassett Neighbourhood Plan - Examination
Submission of Neighbourhood Plan
Notice is given that the Dunton Bassett Neighbourhood Plan has been submitted by Dunton Bassett Parish Council to Harborough District Council for examination.
Information can be found at
In accordance with the regulations, the following documents have been submitted for examination:
- A copy of the Dunton Bassett Neighbourhood Plan proposal;
- A map of the parish of Dunton Bassett to which the plan relates;
- A Statement of Public Consultation; and
- A Basic Conditions Statement.
For more information and the Neighbourhood Plan evidence base please visit:
Making Representations
A six week consultation on the proposed Neighbourhood Plan is now underway running from 30 March to 11 May 2022. Representations on the Plan Proposal are welcome and must be submitted to Harborough District Council on the submission forms provided (eform and print version ) no later than 11 May 2022 as follows:
- by email to duntonbassettnp@harborough.gov.uk ; or
- by post to Strategic Planning, Harborough District Council, The Symington Building, Adam & Eve Street, Market Harborough, LE16 7AG
The submitted documents can be viewed online by selecting the relevant links above. Alternatively hard copies of the documents can be inspected at:
- All Saints, Church Lane, Dunton Bassett LE17 5JX (10am to 3pm)
- Broughton Astley Library, Main Street, Broughton Astley
- Lutterworth Library, George Street, Lutterworth
- Market Harborough Library, Adam and Eve Street, Market Harborough
- Concierge, The Symington Building, Adam and Eve Street, Market Harborough , LE16 7LT
(Please note that opening times vary and access may be restricted for social distancing. Please call the venue before travelling)
Record details
Current Neighbourhood Plan Stage | Examination |
Examination | Strategic Environmental Assessment The draft Dunton Basset Neighbourhood Plan as submitted in December 2020 has been screened for the requirement of a Strategic Environmental Assessment. The screening finds that a full SEA is not required. The Qualifying Body have been informed and the Statutory Consultees have been consulted. In repsonse to the consultation on the Screening Report, Historic England commented that further work was required to assess the impact of the Plan on the Scheduled Monument. The Council agreed with this statement and sets this out in the determination report issued in March 2021. The repsonses of the statutory consultees can be found in the determination of the Council below. The Council provided an SEA addendum in July 2022 to the Exmainer to include the historic environment assessment for Dunton Bassett and has sought comments from the Statutory Consultees on this document. Appendix 8 of the submission version plan deals with the historic environment in Dunton Bassett. A further determination will be provided to the Examiner when responses have been received in August 2022 Submission of Plan The Dunton Bassett Neighbourhood Plan was submitted to the Council on 31 January 2022. After checks and validation of the submission documents the Plan will be made available for Regulation 16 consultation between 30 March and 11 May 2022. Details can be found here. Read the following submission documents
The evidence base can be found on the Dunton Bassett PC website here Regulation 16 Consultation The Regulaiton 16 consultation took place between 30 March and 11 May 2022. A summary of the representations received can be found below. All representations have been forwarded to the Examiner. Examination Mr John Slater has been appointed in June 2022 as Examiner for the Dunton Bassett Neighbourhood Plan with the agreement of the Qualifying Body.
The Examiner will consider whether the Plan met the Basic Conditions which are that the Plan must:
Hearing The Examiner has determined that a hearing is required for the Dunton Bassett Neighbourhood Plan. The hearing took place on 11 October 2022 in Dunton Bassett Village Hall and was an opporuntiy for the Examiner to receive oral evidence on a limited number of questions A number of invitees were asked to appear at the hearing as set out in the above document. Invitees included:
Historic England declined to attend the hearing but sent a written repsonse At the request of the Examiner the Qualifying Body has made available the individual site assessments that were undertaken in preparation of the Dunton Bassett Neighbourhood Plan. These are now made publicly available in the interests of transparency
As a result of the hearing the Examiner requested that Historic England were contacted to clarify their position with regards to the requirement for a Strategic Environmental Assessment Post-Hearing Report The Examiner has provided a post-hearing report for the Qualifying Body as he considers it would be helpful to share with the Parish Council, the conclusions that the Examiner has reached, following the hearing, on the housing policies within the plan, as these will have implications on how the Examiner envisages the examination should proceed and in particular the need for an SEA. |
Approval of Neighbourhood Area | Dunton Bassett Parish Council, as the relevant body, applied for the designation of the Dunton Bassett Neighbourhood Area on 14 February 2018. As the entire Parish was to be designated as the Dunton Bassett Neighbourhood Area Regulation 5A of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) and Development Management Procedure (Amendment) Regulations 2016 applies hence a six week consultation period is not required The application was approved by the Portfolio Holder for Planning Services on 2 March 2018. View Decision Notice and a map identifying the designated Dunton Bassett Neighbourhood Area (PDF, 277KB). |
Response to DBPC 7 12 22 (PDF, 211 Kb)
Response to DBPC 7 12 22
Dunton Bassett Neighbourhood Plan Documents
Dunton Bassett NP Information Statement (PDF, 188 Kb)
Dunton Bassett NP Information Statement
Dunton Basset NDP SEA Screening Jan 2023 (PDF, 613 Kb)
Dunton Basset NDP SEA Screening Jan 2023
DB NDP Summary of responses (1) (PDF, 590 Kb)
DB NDP Summary of responses (1)
Dunton Bassett Neighbourhood Plan Submission version November 2021 rev 1 (1) (PDF, 5.9 Mb)
Dunton Bassett Neighbourhood Plan Submission version November 2021 rev 1 (1)
Dunton Bassett Neighbourhood Plan consultation statement.final (Word Document, 402 Kb)
Dunton Bassett Neighbourhood Plan consultation statement.final
Dunton Bassett Basic Conditionss Statement June 2021 (Word Document, 67 Kb)
Dunton Bassett Basic Conditionss Statement June 2021
JAC 27342 - Environmental Report (PDF, 15.7 Mb)
JAC 27342 - Environmental Report
Appendix 1a Census 2011 Profile (PDF, 252 Kb)
Appendix 1a Census 2011 Profile
Appendix 1b PPD Land Registry Data 1995 to 2018 (Unknown Binary Data, 81 Kb)
Appendix 1b PPD Land Registry Data 1995 to 2018
Appendix 2 Housing Needs Report Aug 2019 (PDF, 601 Kb)
Appendix 2 Housing Needs Report Aug 2019
Appendix 2 Housing Needs Report Aug 2019 (PDF, 601 Kb)
Appendix 2 Housing Needs Report Aug 2019
Appendix 3 Affordable Housing Assessment (PDF, 1.1 Mb)
Appendix 3 Affordable Housing Assessment
Appendix 4 Site Sustainability Analysis (2) (PDF, 573 Kb)
Appendix 4 Site Sustainability Analysis (2)
Appendix 5 Listed Buildings (PDF, 90 Kb)
Appendix 5 Listed Buildings
Appendix 6 Enviroinmental Inventory (PDF, 556 Kb)
Appendix 6 Enviroinmental Inventory
Appendix 7 Important Views (1) (PDF, 1.9 Mb)
Appendix 7 Important Views (1)
Appendix 8 Strategic Heritage Assessment (PDF, 21.6 Mb)
Appendix 8 Strategic Heritage Assessment
Designation Approval
Designation decision notice March 2018 (PDF, 279 Kb)
Designation decision notice March 2018
Terms of Reference NP Advisory Committee
Terms of Reference NP Advisory Committee (PDF, 372 Kb)
Terms of Reference NP Advisory Committee
Neighbourhood Plan Questionnaire
Dunton Bassett Questionnaire rev7 (PDF, 506 Kb)
Dunton Bassett Questionnaire rev7
Neighbourhood Plan Inventory
Environmental Inventory (Word Document, 76 Kb)
Environmental Inventory
NP Steering Group Minutes
Steering Group Meeting via zoom-8 June (1) (PDF, 36 Kb)
Steering Group Meeting via zoom-8 June (1)
Minutes of Steering group meeting 2021 02 09 (Word Document, 15 Kb)
Minutes of Steering group meeting 2021 02 09
Minutes of SG meeting 2020 12 08 (Word Document, 15 Kb)
Minutes of SG meeting 2020 12 08
Minutes of NP steering group 2020 11 100 (Word Document, 15 Kb)
Minutes of NP steering group 2020 11 10
Minutes of NP Meeting 2020 10 07 (Word Document, 16 Kb)
Minutes of NP Meeting 2020 10 07
Minutes of NP meeting 2020 08 09 (Word Document, 15 Kb)
Minutes of NP meeting 2020 08 09
Steering Group Minutes 2020 07 14 (Word Document, 16 Kb)
Steering Group Minutes 2020 07 14
NP Steering group minutes 2020 06 09 (Word Document, 15 Kb)
NP Steering group minutes 2020 06 09
Minutes of NP steering group 2020 05 12 (Word Document, 16 Kb)
Minutes of NP steering group 2020 05 12
Minutes of SG meeting 2019 12 10 (Word Document, 16 Kb)
Minutes of SG meeting 2019 12 10
Steering group minutes 2019 11 12 (Word Document, 16 Kb)
Steering group minutes 2019 11 12
Environmental minutes 2019 10 24 (Word Document, 59 Kb)
Environmental minutes 2019 10 24
CFAT minutes 20200116 (Word Document, 16 Kb)
CFAT minutes 20200116
CFAT meeting minutes 2019 10 21 (Word Document, 17 Kb)
CFAT meeting minutes 2019 10 21
CFAT minutes 2019 10 01 (Word Document, 16 Kb)
CFAT minutes 2019 10 01
190701_Dunton Bassett Neighbourhood Plan enviro minutes (Word Document, 53 Kb)
190701_Dunton Bassett Neighbourhood Plan enviro minutes
Steering Group minutes 2019 04 16 (Word Document, 16 Kb)
Steering Group minutes 2019 04 16
Cfat minutes 2019 04 25 (Word Document, 15 Kb)
Cfat minutes 2019 04 25
Cfat minutes 2019 03 26 (Word Document, 16 Kb)
Cfat minutes 2019 03 26
Minutes of steering group meeting 2019 03 12 (Word Document, 15 Kb)
Minutes of steering group meeting 2019 03 12
Cfat minutes 2019 03 07 (Word Document, 15 Kb)
Cfat minutes 2019 03 07
Minutes of Steering group meeting 2019 02 19 (Word Document, 15 Kb)
Minutes of Steering group meeting 2019 02 19
Steering group minutes 2019 01 29 (Word Document, 15 Kb)
Steering group minutes 2019 01 29
Minutes of Steering group meeting 2018 12 18 (Word Document, 15 Kb)
Minutes of Steering group meeting 2018 12 18
CFAT Meeting minutes 2019 01 07 (Word Document, 17 Kb)
CFAT Meeting minutes 2019 01 07
181210_Dunton Bassett Neighbourhood Plan Environmental (Word Document, 54 Kb)
181210_Dunton Bassett Neighbourhood Plan Environmental
Minutes of Environmental group 2018 11 18 (MS Word, 22 Kb)
Minutes of Environmental group 2018 11 18
Minutes of CFAT 2018 10 12 (Word Document, 17 Kb)
Minutes of CFAT 2018 10 12
NP steering meeting minutes 2018 10 16 (Word Document, 15 Kb)
NP steering meeting minutes 2018 10 16
Neighbourhood Plan housing minutes 23.10.2018 (Word Document, 15 Kb)
Neighbourhood Plan housing minutes 23.10.2018
Environmental Minutes 2018 10 18 (Word Document, 59 Kb)
Environmental Minutes 2018 10 18
Steering group minutes 2018 09 18 (Word Document, 17 Kb)
Steering group minutes 2018 09 18
NP steering meeting minutes 2018 08 21 (Word Document, 15 Kb)
NP steering meeting minutes 2018 08 21
Designation Notice Dunton Bassett (PDF, 279 Kb)
Designation Notice Dunton Bassett
Housing group minutes 2018 09 12 (Word Document, 15 Kb)
Housing group minutes 2018 09 12
CFAT Meeting minutes 2018 06 20 (Word Document, 16 Kb)
CFAT Meeting minutes 2018 06 20
Neighbourhood Plan Housing mins 26.6.2018 (Word Document, 22 Kb)
Neighbourhood Plan Housing mins 26.6.2018
Neighbourhood Plan Housing mins 4.7.2018 (Word Document, 17 Kb)
Neighbourhood Plan Housing mins 4.7.2018
Environmental meeting 2019 08 (Word Document, 57 Kb)
Environmental meeting 2019 08
CFAT Communication Grid (PDF, 56 Kb)
CFAT Communication Grid
CFAT Empoyment grid (PDF, 67 Kb)
CFAT Empoyment grid
CFAT Facilities Grid (PDF, 79 Kb)
CFAT Facilities Grid
Enviro Flooding Grid (Word Document, 14 Kb)
Enviro Flooding Grid
Enviro Renewable Energy Grid (Word Document, 14 Kb)
Enviro Renewable Energy Grid
CFAT traffic & Transport grid (PDF, 116 Kb)
CFAT traffic & Transport grid
Enviro Green Space Grid (Word Document, 20 Kb)
Enviro Green Space Grid
Traffic & Transport grid (PDF, 114 Kb)
Traffic & Transport grid
Housing Grid (Word Document, 33 Kb)
Housing Grid
Heritage & History Grid (Word Document, 18 Kb)
Heritage & History Grid
Reports from Consultation Events
Dunton B RCC Stakeholder Workshop Report (PDF, 2.5 Mb)
Dunton B RCC Stakeholder Workshop Report
Village Consultation Event 03 11 2020 (Word Document, 2.7 Mb)
Village Consultation Event 03 11 2020
Dunton Bassett Housing Needs Survey Analysis Report July 2016 (PDF, 1.2 Mb)
Dunton Bassett Housing Needs Survey Analysis Report July 2016
Community Drop in event report RCC (PDF, 1.1 Mb)
Community Drop in event report RCC
Village Consultation Event 03 11 2020 (Word Document, 2.7 Mb)
Village Consultation Event 03 11 2020
Housing Site Scoring
Dunton Bassett 1 - Off Leicester road,adjacent garage -final (Word Document, 27 Kb)
Dunton Bassett 1 - Off Leicester road,adjacent garage -final
Dunton Bassett 2 - Coopers Lane -final (Word Document, 27 Kb)
Dunton Bassett 2 - Coopers Lane -final
Dunton Bassett 3 - North of Old Coach Road -final (Word Document, 28 Kb)
Dunton Bassett 3 - North of Old Coach Road -final
Dunton Bassett 4 - Land South of school Lane -final (Word Document, 28 Kb)
Dunton Bassett 4 - Land South of school Lane -final
Dunton Bassett 5 - Off Little Lunnon West -Final (Word Document, 26 Kb)
Dunton Bassett 5 - Off Little Lunnon West -Final
Dunton Bassett 6 - The Beat -final (Word Document, 28 Kb)
Dunton Bassett 6 - The Beat -final
Dunton Bassett 7 - Off Little Lunnon East -final (Word Document, 27 Kb)
Dunton Bassett 7 - Off Little Lunnon East -final
Dunton Bassett 8 - Church Lane -final (Word Document, 27 Kb)
Dunton Bassett 8 - Church Lane -final
Dunton Bassett 9 -Behind the childrens' playround -final (Word Document, 22 Kb)
Dunton Bassett 9 -Behind the childrens' playround -final
Dunton Bassett 10 - Rear of Spice restaurant -final (Word Document, 26 Kb)
Dunton Bassett 10 - Rear of Spice restaurant -final
Dunton Bassett 11 - Spice restaurant plot -final (Word Document, 26 Kb)
Dunton Bassett 11 - Spice restaurant plot -final
Facebook Page
Housing site appraisals SSA'S
Housing site appraisals (Word Document, 543 Kb)
Housing site appraisals
Consultation Response Form Regulation 14
Consultation Response Form Regulation 14 (MS Word, 43 Kb)
Consultation Response Form Regulation 14
Regulation 14 Stakeholder Letter
Regulation 14 Stakeholder Letter (Word Document, 29 Kb)
Regulation 14 Stakeholder Letter